Monday, June 3, 2024


 For all the things I cannot do

The things I cannot say

The nights I lie here wanting you

Yet crave the break of day

There is no time my heart is still

No time my thoughts are calm

The craving that fills all my dreams

Is lying in your arms

How can the night spin endlessly

Where is the break of dawn

You are my souls only release

My only heartfelt song

I end my day with thoughts of you

On waking, you are first

You are my unleashed hunger

You are my unquenched thirst

je billheimer

Monday, March 25, 2024


Can you be my love
Are you the one I dreamt of
All those years ago
Is it finally you
Or are you just a wish
I made up to get through

When I was so young
And life was still a journey
Not yet travelled
I felt there would be
One someone 
Who would keep me
from becoming unraveled

Now after long years
Spent traveling alone
Or with a love
With eyes unseeing
You have appeared
And I am undone
With hopes of love 
Beyond believing

Please tell me, love
You are the one I dreamt of
When dreams were my hopes
Please be the one
For in your arms
My love has awoken

je billheimer

Monday, February 12, 2024

Flowers and Lies

He brings yellow roses
And sweet words of love
And little lies for me to swallow

He shreds my hopes
With promises broken
Puddles of tears in which I wallow

I pick up the remnants
Of dreams in tatters
And tell myself, tomorrow

He will bring roses
Without the lies
No more tears for me to swallow

j e billheimer

Saturday, February 10, 2024

For S

There is sunshine in her smile
With caution 'round the edges
As if she isn't sure she is safe
And trust is a fragile commodity

She finds her value through love
The loving of her family
The sweet care for her children
They make her whole

Fiercely devoted
Strongly Opinionated
Absolutely involved
She is ferociously beautiful
I stand in awe

j e billheimer

Monday, January 29, 2024


She has resources she never
knew of
Inner strength belonging to someone
much larger

She holds herself to such high
Yet does not expect them
of those around her

A generosity of spirit
a joyfulness that won't
be quelled
She makes me proud to be
counted as a friend

I watch her
knowing of her struggles
She squares her shoulders,
wipes her tears, and keeps on

Beautiful woman, tragic child
loving widow
Standing proud

j e billheimer

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Sweet Obsession

Oh, my love
My sweet obsession
How I yearn for your light touch
Oh, my soul
My sweet possession
Never dared to love this much

First you came
You smiled so sweetly
My poor heart was all undone
How could I
Stand by so meekly
Knew from the start you were the one

When I was
Alone and lonely
Hopelessness within me churned
Now it's you
I long for only
You arrived and hope returned

Years have passed
We're still together
Life and love now intertwined
If I thought you'd leave me ever
I fear I would lose my mind

j e billheimer

No Tears

There were no tears
When he died
Not from me
Not for him
I cried

They thought I cried
Bitter tears
That's not true
Not then
Not for years

There was nothing
When he died
Not for me
But for them
I cried

j e billheimer