Tuesday, March 31, 2020


What do you want from me
Do you feel our connection
Tenuous as a thread
Stretched beyond limit
Tensions mounting

Do you feel our chances
Slipping away
Leaving us grasping
For things to say
On safer ground

What do you want from me
Is what we have enough for you
Our polite hello's
While balancing on eggshells
As the hurdles become

This isn't what I pictured
The bond we shared was unbreakable
Or so I thought
Now everything is unravelling
Under the weight of things
Left unsaid
Trust lost
Hearts broken
Connection unravelling

j e billheimer


I dwell in possibilities
No limits I'll put on my days
I'll chance the inconsistencies
I'll dance with probabilities
And dawn will find me lifted up
For darkness never stays

For when my life has run its course
And life will have its way
I'll gather up life's treasured hours
I'll know that fear has lost its powers
For never did I spare a glance
At those who never took a chance
On all the possibilities

j e billheimer

You and I

Who held me as a child
Who loved me for myself
Who gave without regret
Are irreplaceable

Who always needed help
Who wanted to be free
Who acted self-assured
Am inconsolable

Who taught me how to laugh
Who sang the lullabies
Who kissed away my tears
Are unforgettable

Will love you all my life
Will cherish all our days
Will carry on this life
And miss you all my years

j e billheimer

Monday, March 30, 2020

Random Acts of Living

I want my life to be brave and kind
Want to have my say
Want to speak my mind

I want my life to be full of dance
Want to spread my wings
Want to take the chance

I want my life to be full of song
Want to take a breath
Want to sing along

j e billheimer

Ode to a Whirlwind

May I define you by what you add 
To my life
The joy I feel knowing you see me
As I wrap your love around 
My shoulders
Like a warm blanket, a shield

Do you know how your love
Empowers me
The courage I find at hand because of you
I know you don't have any idea
How powerful you are
What is accomplished 
Because of your strength

You empower me with a full understanding
And graciousness that astounds
You are a whirlwind
I, the leaf

j e billheimer

Random Moments

Watching you 
As you lie sleeping
Kissing you awake, you smile
Hold me close 
Whisper secrets
Taking time to love awhile

Candy sweet 
These gentle wakings
Time to share a thought or two
Tell me
Did you sleep all right, love
Random moments spent with you

This is what 
I always hoped for
Stolen moments, just we two
Touching, smiling 
Treasured moments
Random acts of loving you

j e billheimer