Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Having a heart to heart with myself
Debating where inspired poetry begins
In the depths of despair
or enlightened discovery
I pondered the question
I argued within
Where to begin

Such lovely and lonely heartfelt
of poetic tragedy have left me
near weeping
Very near to believing
the poems most effective
at sharing emotions
grew from great suffering
unrelenting sorrow

But what of the poems
their message uplifting
In pretty surroundings of
laughter and home
These writings hold meaning
to those who can listen
Creating a joy felt
down to your toes

I shuttered my eyes
and slowed down my breathing
So I could just think
each aspect in turn
I hoped I could quiet
my own inner turmoil
and gather my resources
around me like home

Then something amazing
came tapping my senses
A soothing and calming
sweet drumming outside
The raindrops were pounding
and dripping and playing
an age old sweet number
that reached deep inside
Where I found my answer

It matters not at all
what you say or you do
the answer was now crystal clear
Poetry speaks to each in its own way
The message will only come through
If the poem is speaking to you

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